Grab your tissues, because this remarkable story about tragedy, strength, and overcoming adversity and is sure to leave a lasting impact.
When Dunia Sibomana was six years old, he survived an attack by chimpanzees while playing with his brother and cousin at Virunga National Park in the Congo. Tragically, while the other two boys were killed, Sibomana survived with traumatic injuries to his lips, face, and right ear. Many of the muscles in his face were destroyed, and the middle finger of his left hand was lost entirely. At the age of eight, Sibomana came to the United States for rare facial reconstructive surgery at Stony Brook Children’s Hospital. Together with the non-for-profit Smile Rescue Fund for Kids, which identifies children in resource-poor countries who need facial or cranial surgeries, these procedures were performed at no charge.
In total, Sibomana underwent 14 intensive surgeries that involved grafting tissue and muscles to recreate his lips.
Dr. Dagum, the newest senior associate to join NYPS Group, told Newsday that while Sibomana’s injuries were both extensive and rare, he was not surprised to see his determined patient succeed. “He’s loved wrestling since grade school,” Dagum said. “I’m more than ecstatic for him. He’s dedicated and very smart. He’s such a driven kid and makes me proud every day, as he’s come such a long way.”
Sibomana lived with two host families while in the United States before being taken in by Long Beach assistant wrestling coach, Miguel Rodriguez, and his wife, Marissa. They eventually adopted Sibomana, who became a permanent U.S. resident in 2019.
Sibomana went on to become a star wrestler in middle school, as well as at Long Beach High School. At just 14 years old, he also earned the state title at the New York state Division 1 wrestling championship in 2022.
Recently, he made headlines again, this time for committing to wrestle at the University of North Carolina.
“This is my dream school, and I’ve worked really hard toward a college opportunity,” Dunia said. “I just felt right when I visited the school. The coach was just great, and I felt right at home in North Carolina. It’s where I want to spend the next four or five years of my life. I am blessed to be where I am in my life. I wouldn’t be here without my family and coaches.”
To read more about Sibomana’s inspiring story, search him on Google- he’s become quite the celebrity!