Posted in: NYPS Group News, Patient Stories , Friday May 15, 2015

Joey was running in the house and hit his head on the corner of a coffee table. He was rushed to a local hospital where he was met by LIPSG surgeon Dr. Rachel A. Ruotolo. He received stitches in the E.R.

Here is Joey on May 3rd, just 5 days after the incident.

boy with stitches

Joey 10 days later on May 13th after his stitches were removed.

boy smiling

He’s looking great, but no more running in the house, Joey!

“We must have used a wonderful plastic surgeon. Joey actually told me he wants to be a plastic surgeon last night.”

–Pauline M., Joey’s mom

Dr Stitch logo

Patients like Joey show the importance of Dr.STITCH, which is LIPSG’s emergency hotline available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the treatment of accidents involving lacerations, burns, broken noses, and other facial or hand damage. When you call 877-DR-STITCH, one of our plastic surgeons will meet you at the emergency room or one of our office locations conveniently located around New York.

Request a free information kit HERE.