Posted in: NYPS Group News, Practice Information , Monday May 14, 2018

The American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc. (AAAASF) ensures the highest quality of standards in the Operating Room. We are reevaluated every 3 years during an onsite survey. LIPSG is proud to report that the Operating Rooms in our Garden City facility achieved re-accreditation. By meeting 100% of the already high standards that AAAASF has set, it assures the public that patient safety is our top priority.

This initiative is led by a strong team of healthcare professionals,  including Dr. Barry Douglas, the Facility Medical Director, Teresa Barroca MSN, RN, CPSN, Director of Nursing,  and Debbie Rapuano BSN, RN, CPSN, OR Nurse Manager.

“AAAASF demonstrates our commitment as a practice to pursuing accreditation and our dedication to safety and standardization,” said Teresa Barroca. “Patient safety always has been and continues to be paramount for the LIPSG establishment.”

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The American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities:

Congratulations to the LIPSG OR team in maintaining the AAAASF standard of excellence.