LIPSG friends and staff have been active in contributing to those in need this holiday.
LIPSG and businesses in Babylon Village teamed up with the Babylon Chamber of Commerce to erect a Christmas tree decorated with 100 wishes from families in need within the community. The tree was formally unveiled at the Babylon Village Winter Wonderland on Friday, December 9 and the response from the community has been overwhelming. While the group set a goal of helping 3-4 families, they were able to fill the wishes of 7 families, with 169 heartfelt gifts donated – well beyond the goal of 100 wishes – including a PowerWheels ride-on Quad and dozens of other fun and functional items.
Seven local families facing medical and financial hardship were identified by Good Samaritan Hospital and St. Joseph’s Hospital. Each family is struggling with a unique hardship including serious illness and financial stress.
Every year LIPSG makes an effort to support the INN in Hempstead. This year, staff donated 175 pounds of food and toiletries. The INN (Interfaith Nutrition Network) is a soup kitchen that has been helping those in need since 1983. It has grown to become the largest private social services agency of its kind on Long Island. On a daily basis they provide food, shelter and showering facilities. More than 7,500 people are fed each week – and done so with respect and dignity.
LIPSG’s Garden City, East Hills, and Babylon offices were drop off destinations for Toys for Tots. We were pleased to see donations left at each of our locations.
Thank you to our friends, patients, and staff who helped to make a difference.
Wishing you a happy, healthy holiday.